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Why is Smoking Prohibited on Planes?
J A K A R T A – May 30, 2023. Lion Air Group always consistently implements the rules related to the prohibition of smoking on board (before – during – after the flight). This provision applies to all types of cigarettes: burnt cigarettes and e-cigarettes (vape). Smoking can endanger flight safety, subject to a maximum fine of IDR 2.5 billion or a maximum prison of 5 years. This sanction is regulated in Article 412 paragraph 6 of the Aviation Law Number 1 of 2009.
Important reasons include
1. Safety
Smoking on board can pose a serious fire risk. Dry air conditions in the aircraft cabin can also make fuel more flammable. In an emergency, controlling and extinguishing fires on board can be extremely difficult and potentially compromise the safety of all passengers and cabin crew.
2. Indonesian and international regulatory rules
In Indonesia, the ban on smoking on planes is regulated by the Ministry of Transportation in accordance with the Aviation Law. Article 419 of the law regulates the prohibition of smoking on board aircraft and the obligation for passengers to comply with the rule. In addition, the ban on smoking on planes is also an international standard set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and has been adopted by many countries around the world.
3. Comfort
Secondhand smoke can disturb other non-smoking passengers, due to the unpleasant smell of cigarettes and can cause irritation to the nose, eyes and throat. Restricting smoking on board ensures that all passengers can enjoy their journey comfortably.
4. Health
Smoking adversely affects health, both for smokers and those around them. Burnt cigarettes contain many harmful chemicals that can be inhaled by passengers on board. Exposure to secondhand smoke can increase the risk of respiratory diseases, such as asthma or bronchitis.
5. Air circulation
Commercial aircraft have ventilation systems designed to regulate air circulation inside the cabin. A ban on smoking on board helps maintain healthy air quality for all passengers. Cigarette smoke affects the ventilation system of the aircraft and causes the air in the cabin to become unsterile (clean). Nicotine will also affect the system inside the plane, over time, sticky plaque will form that can interfere with the function of the circulatory system so that it does not run optimally.
6. The airline's efforts and firm measures
Airlines have an important role to play in maintaining no-smoking rules on board. Lion Air Group strictly implements a no-smoking policy and imposes sanctions for passengers who violate these rules. The airline also conducted a campaign to passengers on the importance of maintaining health, safety and comfort on board by not smoking. These measures are in place to create a healthy, safe and comfortable environment for all passengers traveling by aircraft.
Smoke Detector
It is an essential part of the aircraft's security system and is designed to provide early warning to cabin crew and passengers in emergency situations.
lThis smoke detector is connected to a warning system that provides notifications to cabin crew through a control panel in the cockpit and an audible alarm throughout the aircraft cabin. This is very helpful for cabin crew to quickly identify and handle emergency situations related to the presence of smoke on board.
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