Latest media releases from Lion Air
Easy service Rapid Test Covid-19 Lion Air Group “After BOYOLALI, Now Reaching SOLO”
Lion Air Group runs with the local health facilities (Faskes) as the provision of services Rapid Test Covid-19. Passengers can conduct Rapid Covid-19 health tests at:
Clinic Laboratory Ultra Medica
Jalan Letjend Suprapto No. 75 Sumber, Kecamatan Banjarsari, Kota Surakarta, Central Java 57138
Service time:
- Monday – Friday at 08.00 – 15.00 WIB
- Saturday at 08.00 – 12.00 WIB
- Sundas and national holidays – closed (not serving)
The presence of this new service is a seriousness in facilitating passengers and the continuation of the cooperation of health facilities that have been running, namely
Clinic Pratama Rawat Jalan Al Mabrur
North Adi Soemarmo International Airport
Jl. Garuda, Panasan Baru, Ngesrep, Kecamatan Ngemplak, Kabupaten Boyolali, Central Java 57375
Service time:
- Monday – Saturday at 08.00 – 15.00 WIB
- Sundays and national holidays – closed (not serving).
Terms of implementation of Rapid Test Covid-19, as follows:
- Passengers who have tickets on Lion Air Group flights only,
- The Rapid Test Covid-19 Voucher can be obtained directly upon purchase of the ticket (issued ticket),
- For passengers who already have flight tickets Lion Air Group and have not implemented Rapid Test Covid-19, can purchase a Rapid Test Covid-19 voucher by showing the booking code (booking code) through sales channel such as Call center, Lion Air Group Sales Office, , , tour and travel agents and other travel.
Passengers will get more value, effectively and efficiently with the presence of a place or service location cooperation Lion Air Group for Rapid Test Covid-19 in Boyolali District, Solo City and other areas. This implementation is still running as the health protocol provisions.
Ticket purchases (issued tickets) and air travel information can be obtained through:
- Lion Air Group Ticketing Office and branch office in all cities and towns in Indonesia;
- ; ;
- Smartphone device Application (mobile apps) Lion Air and Batik Air (Wings Air ticket purchase can also be through the website and the application);
- Call center 021-6379 8000 and 0804-177-8899;
- Tour travel and online travel agent (OTA).
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